
27 June 2009

Successfully made rosemary bread for Skronky!
I think I did alright on that test but won't know for sure for awhile.
Back to sipping coffee & watching tv...

25 June 2009

Test this afternoon, eeeek!

24 June 2009

My father listens to trance music... I fail to understand how that makes sense. When I hear it I just feel like I have a pounding headache. Is that enjoyable?

23 June 2009

Well, figured out how to post from my phone... Of course, only needed something to help me procrastinate for my test Thursday... Love to all and happy thoughts!

13 June 2009

short update

Seems that I've been bad about posting... Apologies are likely in order. Lots of excuses and a few good reasons but still. I should be keeping up better.
Have started my first rotation for P4 year of pharmy school. I'm at a local independent pharmacy that's located in a doctors park this month. It's a really nice place to get my feet wet and start getting acclimated to the scene. They do about 150 scripts a day and do NOT have a drive-thru window so that's pretty awesome. They let me do a lot of compounding, which is fun. My only worry about the compounding is wondering what messing with all those hormones all the time will do to me in the long-run. But surely it will be just fine, right?
Am listening to Relient K alot right now. I am so digging their song Must Have Done Something Right off their newest album.
Helped with pharm graduation ceremony. Really looking forward to my turn, though I heard that I don't get to have Mum hood me. Which is something I really was looking forward to as well. Jerks.