
02 April 2006

Early Morning Review

Well this is lovely. Guess not being on the schedule this morning at work is retribution for not having my schedule in on time, though I do wish they'd told me soon that I couldn't be added for this weekend... Made my Saturday so much more hectic because I assumed I'd be working all day today...
Speaking of which, Saturday was full! Home to ER for a few hours in the morning to pick up some pharm school stuff (and to visit my great-grandmother, who had a stroke Friday, in the hospital). Then back here to go to the Medieval fair with Dawn and Marie. Pretty fun time (but much more crowded than it was Friday when I went with the college crew). Saw some old friends from HS and a few current classmates. Rushed around when they left and helped a friend with a powerpoint presentation, picked out a posterboard at Hobby Lobby, and spent a couple of hours making a poster for my informative speech for Tuesday. (This is one of those things I could have put off if I'd known about not working today!) I chose not to party since I was going to be getting up so early compounded with daylight savings this morning. "Chicken Little" with Jenna and Steve was fun (ooooh! And watching the thunderstorm move through! It was so awesome!)
So yeah. Good times. Now I think I'm ready to climb back in bed and sleep in. Happy New Week!!!!


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