
03 July 2005

Lazy Sunday

Hmmm... I have been one very lazy, spoiled little girl. Slept in late the last several mornings. Haven't done anything really resembling work. Eaten far more than should. I is terrible.
Now that I have that said and done (or written and read. whatever) I should like to continue rambling without reason or function. Is that redundant???
My hair is back to being red. It's a darkish red and should last up to 28 washings according to the box. Mum helped me do it. We had such a fun time; We were laughing so hard that Dad could hear us downstairs, got worried, and came to see if we were alright. I don't really remember what was funny but it was hilarious. And I couldn't see because she was rinsing the color out and the water was running in my eyes, messing up my makeup. Maybe that's what was funny? Whatever it was we were loud. Also spraying water all over the bathroom. Good times. Thanks Mum!
Guess I didn't have as much to say as I thought... Ok. Happy Sunday!!!!
"I hope you know it's true that I'll still come to see you and even though I'm gone I'll cheer you on. When everything is said and done will you remember all the fun?" ~Said and Done by Hydraulic Sandwich


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