
29 July 2004

Mute, Today, Hairsticks, TV/Dems

I love the mute button on the TV remote. Isn't it a wonderful thing? Brings calm to a room like nothing else.
Today has been a fairly lazy day. Cleaned the kitchen, did the workout thing, weeded/dead headed in the garden, showered, visited Grandmum, ate chicken strips and drank lots of chocolate milk. See, rather boring, huh?
I've got my hairsticks in my hair. Haven't worn any in a while and thus occasionally forget that I am wearing them so I freak out every now and then when I turn my head and the tip of one of them hits my shoulder. Chalk the paranoia up to too much choco milk today, will you?
I'm listening to the radio and I like this song. REM's Bad Day. Not too bad. OOOooohh! Sonic Reeses Blast is yummmy. (short break here to enjoy lovely treat)
Alright. I am back. Ok. Lately I've been watching the TV some, the news even. And the DNC has been on a lot. So, I've formed some opinions.
I don't like Mrs. Heinz-Kerry. She seems rude. I think Kerry and Edwards together is a scary, uber liberal match. And the fact that they're both named John is just strange to me. That would be confusing if one were in their circle. It seems to me that Kerry is leaning too much on his military record. Some in the media have been calling John Edwards the next Kennedy. I totally disagree. He just doesn't cut it for me, not in charm or looks and certainly he is missing a Jackie here. (Obviously I'm not old enough to remember what Kennedy was like in real life but there are tapes and pictures.)  I don't know enough about his platform to compare them but it is plainly a different world we're living in compared to the 50's and 60's. ~Can anyone tell me, is it true that Kerry wants to re-instate the draft? Guess I could do some research myself but am putting it off until nearer November... Bad me, but I will be voting so not total apathy here.
Okay, that will be all I'm saying about politics, for a while at least.
And I have two nice quotes for ya...

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.           -Voltaire
To make democracy work, we must be a nation of participants, not simply observers. One who does not vote has no right to complain. -Louis L'Amour


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